love is not something i think about a lot. i mean, i love my family and friends but liking someone, falling in love, being in love, i haven't thought about these things much until recently. throughout the past 12 months i've had a front row seat to my sister's first relationship with a boy. in the summer, i read a
series of posts about love. since the end of summer 2 of my dearest friends have started dating boys. and most recently i've seen a new friend walk through a tough situation in an almost 4-year-long relationship. i've payed more attention to the different dynamics in the duos closest to me. my perspective on what love is, what i want from a guy, and how things "should be" have changed. not drastically, but subtly.
i used to dream of a guy that'd be tall, strong, handsome, charming, smart, athletic, funny, a leader...basically perfect. not sure why, cause i'm no where near perfect, but i did. i dreamed of an easy, short, fun time of dating and being engaged. than life would go on and along would come marriage, kids, and a comfy lifestyle without problems. not necessarily bad things to want, but if idled definitely need to do some heart checking.
so i did. helped along by the before said items, i evaluated what i was looking to gain from the relationship(s) that will one day come. i was looking for ease, comfort, affirmation, and happiness. but, what i realized is that happiness will not come from any of those things. true happiness, true joy, can only be found within Christ. true peace-ease & comfort- can only be found in Christ. and true affirmation can only be gained from hiding my life within Christ's sacrificial work on the cross.
so i started to re-shift my focus, the desires of my heart began to slowly change. instead of desiring an easy, dreamy future, i began to desire a future that reflected God's plan for me, a future that would bring glory to His name, and a future filled with things that would be of eternal importance.
more important than tall, strong, handsome, charming, smart, athletic, funny, etc, i want someone who is more passionate about God than anything else. who has given God his whole heart. who knows God's Word, but wants to know it better. who has prayer often on his mind. who finds joy in laying down his life and desires for others. who is committed to pursuing non-believers. who is courageous, unafraid to stand for truth and on his convictions. who will lead me and our one day family closer to God. these are the things i would like and pray for now. i want to come away from dates, phone calls, and time together spurred on towards the upward calling. i want to talk about deep things and have lighthearted fun. i want there to be struggles and arguments that refine us and build our faith. i want to be a team, with winning as our goal. winning through living lives in a manner worthy of a most Holy God.
this is what i want.
and i want to be a girl who is worthy of such a boy.