I've always loved learning. History books, random facts, math formulas, new vocab, it all intrigues me. My goal is to learn something new everyday. In an effort to help that goal, and to satisfy my desire for a larger volume of knowledge, I'm going to start learning a new word every week. And I'm going to post this new word on here. It has to be a word I do not already know. Other than that I'm just flipping open the dictionary, closing my eyes, and directing my finger towards the page. Once it's landed there I open my eyes and there will be my new word! Here it goes...
1. Gaunt: so thin that the bones show; worn and lean especially from hunger or illness. looking gloomy and deserted. (adj)
-taken from-The Basic Dictionary of the American People
this word makes me think of pictures of children I've seen in other countries, starving and lonely. Reminds me to pray for the suffering in our world
U always have been the smart one! Thanks for the example;)